I am a design/photography student in Columbus, Oh and I was recently laid off from my first design job. Finding that kind of work in this town is tough enough as it is and now I have to search again. I have been searching on Craigslist more often because when I previously searched on Monster and CareerBuilder, I got a TON of spam mail and lost faith in the system. Now, I have been getting spam auto-replies from most of the Craigslist jobs I have applied for. I do NOT appreciate being tricked into an ad website when I am trying to earn a living. This is people's livelihood we are talking about!!! I am already frustrated that I don't live in New York or Los Angeles where these jobs, while still difficult to obtain, are more abundant. I love Columbus and the arts culture is constantly improving. The Short North is a fantastic area for galleries and free expression. I just wish I could optimistically look for work in this town. I will just keep plugging away at school and TRY to hope for the best.
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